About Us

Winds of Change has the capability to handle assignments for organizations active in various sectors, such as renewable energy, circular economy, technology innovators, and the financial services industries where Winds of Change can combine their specialist expertise with fastidiousness and efficiency to provide an exceptionally responsive and effective service. Winds of Change approaches each assignment with an innovative eye, dedication and steadfastness. Seeing the bigger picture while keeping an eye on the details is how we engage your strategic issues.

If you are interested in exploring how Winds of Change can help you to meet the challenges your organization is currently facing, please do contact us for more information or for an appointment.
We provide our services on the basis of a success fee and/or share participation (if so desired a compensation based on an hourly fee or fixed price is also possible), depending on the type of activity or duration of the project, as every project is specifically tailored to each scenario and needs of the client.